Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

There's nothing like

talking to an old friend. Someone I'd lost touch with has moved back to Hamilton, temporarily at least, and we spoke on the phone last week. My friendship with R dates back to the eighties when he knew he was gay, he sensed I was gay and I suspected that I might be gay but hoped to hell I wasn't.

I haven't come out to him yet but these things have a way coming out into the open and it's possible he's heard already. My only apprehension is how he might react to the fact I'm not out to my family. Some gays are intolerant of closets around them or anyone else. I find the more "out" I am, the less patience I have for people who are more "in". I'd never "out" anyone because I believe other people have a right to live their lives the way they want. Someone tried to do that to me once and it was cruel. I have a gut feeling who it was it's not important now.

I just dont have patience for guys who want to hook up; at my place, discretely, on their schedule because wifey might find out. My own shrinking closet is my problem but I won't be confined by anyone elses. I'll make an exception if a guy is sufficiently hot but it's rare. Why would I go through that much trouble when I can walk out my door and have my cock in someones mouth in minutes?

I don't think R is judgemental like that so I don't think he'll get all political on me. But either way, I'd like to get things out in the open when we meet next week. From what I hear, he was apprehensive as well that I might not like him or I might feel awkward about his gayness (and rumoured attraction to me in high school). I'm sure we'll both appreciate putting it all in the past.


Blogger Gage1 said...

do I get to come?

12:31 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

Gage. Sorry, I might have to cancel. I plan to do some reading on health insurance instead!

9:11 p.m.

Blogger Gage1 said...

I was going to tell you the same thing!

9:30 a.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

What a twit. He looks like he's trying to sound Japanese by omiting pluralizations.

This would have been better: Please to all days read will be about health insurance plan business blog I soon write it.

10:09 p.m.


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