Blessed be the beasts

I saw an article in the Hamilton Spectator last Friday and decided, impulsively, that I had to go. Summer is almost gone and I've done very little on impulse recently. The opportunity to take Darcy to the Royal Botanical Gardens and get blessed in the presence of the relic of Shakyamuni himself was one I couldn't pass up. I don't know how anyone could for that matter. (Why would you not want to dissolve bad Karma and speed your pet's path to enlightenment?) To my knowledge, the Buddha doesn't travel much and I think it may be a while before he's back in Hamilton (like another 2500 years maybe).
One friend was supposed to bring her dogs. She backed out at the last minute after her mother decided that it all seemed cultish(?). Flatlinegirl considered bringing a cat or two but decided not to after realizing that there could be some vaccination issues. She did bring her bf and kids though and we made an afternoon of it. She says she has pictures but it looks like I won't see them until she gets her computer issues sorted out.

We checked out the rest of the relic tour afterward. On display were remains of many believed to have achieved enlightenment. It was interesting but not as much as the blessing which was a bit surreal and strangely calming.
I just realized Darcy's harness and leash match the monk's robes.
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