I’m 37 years old.
I’m gay.
I have a sick (sometimes cruel) sense of humour.
I can speak German and Japanese with moderate fluency.
I’m a good cook but I don’t often get a chance to show off.
I have an adorable cat.
I have trouble speaking up and saying what I want.
I don't like to take shit from anyone.
I have a near-photographic memory some times and a near-pornographic imagination the rest of the time.
I like my job, most days.
I’d like to have more free time to waste doing absolutely nothing but following my nose.
I have a degenerative autoimmune disorder that eats away at my insides and makes life difficult on good days.
Two days short of my 21st birthday I lost a very close girlfriend in an accident. I was lucky to live through it myself. That kind of thing is life changing.
I briefly abused alcohol until I realized it wasn’t doing much more than numbing me from the things I couldn’t bring myself to deal with. I don’t think I was a full fledged alcoholic or anything but it was an unproductive time in my life.
I know life could be worse.
I’m strongly right brained.
I have a boyfriend who pisses me off but I’d still do anything for him.
I’d probably give most people the shirt off my back for that matter.
I let other people walk over me sometimes.
I like masculine men (not gym bunnies, drag queens or twinks).
I have a weakness for handsome men with body and facial hair.
I like getting blowjobs from those men.
I’m a top. It’s more than a position. It’s an attitude.
I’ve worn leather and accessorized with whips, handcuffs and cockrings.
I’ve woken up handcuffed to a drag queen while wearing the above outfit.
I’ve woken up to find artificial nails and glitter in my underwear.
I fucked a girlfriend on the hood of her father’s car in a public parking lot.
I fucked an anonymous man in a public washroom.
I think empathizing with other people, no matter what you think of them, is the best way to learn about life.
I want to father children with a lesbian/couple and help raise them.
I think this was a good exercise and I just might do it again.
GGGGGRRRRR (that's a compliment in some gay circles)
I wasn't quite as introspective as I wanted to be but that's the stuff that came to mind. I decided i wanted to just write off the top of my head instead of thinking first. I was cathartic.
I enjoy your posts too. Whereas I'm all on top of BBC and shit you've always got you're finger on a pulse somewhere else that's interesting.
9:30 p.m.
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