If you can't read,
you shouldn't be allowed to drive. Some buttplug has parked in my spot despite the signs that clearly say private parking. Although I resolved to enjoy the weekend and stop thinking about D being a jerk. I decided to be an ass and call the city to have the guy ticketed. I know it's a guest of someone in the building and I think I know who. But I can't be bothered to go knocking on doors saying "um, excuse me, I think you might be parked in my spot." Besides, it feels good to be an ass sometimes.

At the cottage last week, I saw the episode of Darcy she was on!
11:01 a.m.
Yes, for anyone who doesn't know, Darcy was a child star. At six weeks of age she appeard in her first and only episode of a popular TV series. I think it's gone to her head because she seems to think she's still a diva.
Top Dog
5:43 p.m.
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