Stupid polls
I hate those stupid polls by CNN or other news sites that ask people's opinions on global issues. Like today on Netscape News:
Do you think soldiers who abuse Muslim holy books in front of prisoners should be punished? Yes or no?
Although I wanted to answer with "who cares" I had to choose "no" because it was the closest available answer. I was surprised that two thirds of people don't agree. Maybe I'm not culturally sensitive enough.
Being a mostly non-religious person, I don't see the "abuse" of a holy book as anything to get upset about. It is, after all, just a book. And there's probably another one just like it close by.
Since holy books don't rock my world, I tried to imagine how I would feel if I were in prison and someone destroyed my gay-porn collection or flushed an issue of Fab magazine down the toilet. I decided it wouldn't bother me much. I couldn't imagine it causing an uprising amongst queer inmates or inciting drag queens to riot on Church St. There would be no coverage on Aljazeera.
A lot of the same people who consider submerging a crucifix in a jar of piss high art, were horrified at the thought of that "holy " book being flushed. I just shook my head and said "what tha fuck?"
5:12 p.m.
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