Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Things that suck:

I'm in my new place. I've been here for two weeks actually but I couldn't post on my blog because Bell had a hard time connecting my phone. More to the point: despite the fact I gave them a months notice, they connected my line two weeks late.

They blamed the strike at Entourage. One of their phone reps told me "Entourage is on strike and they are trying to disrupt service. This is exactly what they want to happen." First I told the rep that they should consider paying their Entourage employees more. Then I told the guy that what I wanted to happen was to have my service connected in a reasonable amount of time and if they couldn't do it, I'd cancel my phone, internet and 2 cell phones. I mentioned that I spend three thousand a year on their services and I wasn't going to wait for them. Their manager called me back and he said they'd waive my connection fee and have it done within 24 hours.

And so they did but it still didn't work. They tried to blame my building (faulty wiring or something). I told them it's brand new and everyone else in the building had their service and I expected the same. They finally sent someone else out and today my phone and internet finally work.

So that's it. Bell sucks. And so do their lame-ass excuses.


Blogger Top_Dog said...

I know. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a call like that. I didn't get personal with anyone. But unlike the people I spoke with (who were being paid to put up with me) I was the one paying for nothing and I wasn't about to wait for Bell to schedule another date at their convenience.

I left a lot of details out. I had an offer to connect my service May 18th! I'd still be waiting if I hadn't made some noise. And who knows if they would have shown up on the 18th or screwed me over again?

10:45 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, as I make my way down your blog it sounds like you're move was a disaster - at least from the perspective of the third parties you dealt with.

11:52 p.m.


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