Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I guess god wasn't listening

Yesterday, someone I work with mentioned a prayer vigil he attended over the weekend. He said he went and prayed for something to stop equal marriage from becoming law.

I'm used to his lunacy. He has to drive his family to work and school every morning and it's a schedule that brings him to his own work a half hour early every day. So he does what any normal person would do with a half hour to kill: he reads his bible.(?) This comes as no surprise coming from the same guy who thinks homosexuality is a mental illness.

I remember one time when I wanted something more than anything else and I prayed for it. OK, OK, I was 14 and it was the only way I could think of get what I wanted. For the first time, I had a reason to suspect I was gay and I was horrified. So I prayed to be straight. Didn't work.

Maybe it was my spotty attendance record at Sunday school or my meager tithe (I only had a small paper route for god sake). Or, maybe it was my chronic habit of taking the lord's name in vain.

He did meet me half way, sorta. I was able to take advantage of the fact that I'm somewhat bisexual and I ignored a whole half of myself until my late 20's. But I finally had to accept my gayness whether I liked it or not. It wasn't so bad.

Anyhow, I'm not surprised that my colleague's prayers went unanswered. Either god wasn't listening or there was a homo somewhere praying louder and longer than anyone. I personally think god doesn't give a damn either way.


Blogger Top_Dog said...

And, predictably, they are prepared to resurrect the issue come election time. The majority of Canadians voted for a parties that openly endorsed equal marriage as part of their official platform. But butthead Harper doesn't get the hint and will try again to make a wedge issue out of it. Why is it that people who nurture their faith neglect their common sense?

11:11 p.m.


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