Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dear Diary

Thursday sucked. Colonoscopes are supposed to be flexible but this one felt more like being impaled on rebar. I blame the pain on the inexperienced doctor who seemed to be in training and couldn't make it go around corners. The drugs did little for the pain. They only made me relax instead kicking my impaler in the teeth.

Friday sucked too. I had to take an extra day off work because I still felt fucked up. I rested all day and in the evening I washed my bedsheets so everything would feel fresh and I could get a good rest. The cat had other plans. She's in heat and pissed on the bed while I loaded the washer. Fortunately (for me anyway) it was on D's side of the bed but I still had to act fast.

D has always insisted on having a mattress pad and I hated it until I took it off and saw that cat piss never touched the mattress. Now, I don't think it's a bad thing. One wash in hot water with copious amounts of bleach and it's good as new.

Saturday was better and I was no longer in pain. First thing was first and I made an appointment with the vet to get the cat fixed. Her calls haven't bothered me at all until this time. Now, she makes more noise in one evening that she used to make in a 2 week cycle. We can't be kept up all night and I don't tolerate cat pee on my bed so her time has come to go under the knife.

FLG and I went out in the afternoon and shopped. I had some questions for her; I wanted answers as to why Jeebus (see Oct 11th) would want samiches and eggs for lunch but I'm still not sure I understand. Maybe it's like the trinity.

D was supposed to come with me today to get a Christmas tree. He changed his mind so I went alone. It was extremely cold in Ancaster and I lost feeling in my fingers (and my patience) trying to fit the seven foot balsam fir in my sedan. But I'm glad it's here. Tomorrow we'll decorate.

And today I found a fun song online so it was a good day. I like hearing covers of Stairway. CBC had a special once and they played one in Bluegrass, one Classical and one by Dolly Parton but I never heard the Gilligan version.


Blogger Top_Dog said...

My fingers are crossed for you that you don't get the Chinese guy on butt cam. He sucks. I hear the upper GI series is uncomfortable too. I hope I never have to find out first hand.

11:22 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

I know what you mean by the bleeding being alarming. Not sure how long it's been happening to you but it's likely you'll get used to a certain amount of it if you haven't already. At least I have. But there are days it's quite bad and it becomes emotionally draining.

I guess no amount of blood loss is normal or OK but if you monitor your blood iron and follow your doctors advice, you'll probably be OK. I stopped taking the iron because it actually seemed to make me bleed more (while the disease was somewhat active) but while I'm on prednisone it's much easier to tolerate and I think I'm getting the benefits I should.

Of course, bleeding can also be indicative some really serious problems (if you can imagine things being worse). So as horrible as the scope was, I'm glad I'm being screened for cancer. If I ever get it, I want to know as soon as possible.

10:59 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

I've had the condition for a long time but I've only gotten sick twice I think. Both times in the last six months. Both times I felt normal one minute and I was heaving the next. The first time, I figured it was my fault for eating an entire box of KD. The second, I have no idea what brought it on. Not sure if it's coincidence but both times it happened within minutes of going to the bathroom.

I forgot to mention it to my doctor. It wasn't accompanied by any peculiar pains or anything so I hope I don't have anything to worry about (as in Crohn's - which is worse - vs Colitis).

I'd definitely mention it to your doctor if he doesn't already know. I know you have celiac and I don't know if that's normal for celiac. But it could be important it it's anything else.

11:10 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

BTW, I can't lie. The last time I had it done it was unpleasant. But it was one out of three. The other two times weren't that bad. I only have to have it done every 2 years or so. I can live with that.

11:17 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

Never had the barium xray. I hear it sucks too. Good luck with the scope.

10:46 p.m.


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