Dumped by Dykes
I was going to write today that I still hadn't heard anything from the lesbians. I was going to write about my policy of meeting silence with silence and how I intended to forget about them because I had left the ball in their court as far as I was concerned. But I decided to check my email before I wrote in my blog and learned that they finally wrote back.
It was a lot like getting dumped. They say D and I are "nice" enough but they don't feel a connection. Which is fine. But it still feels like being dumped. Yet unlike your girlfriend who dumped you when you were eighteen, the dykes have asked if I would like them to mention my name to other lesbians who want to be moms. Being turfed in high school would be so much easier to deal with if the person who dumped you felt an obligation to hook you up with someone else.
As kind as it was, it feels like a consolation prize. But that's OK. I liked them but they weren't ideal. So I guess it's for the better. And I do appreciate the offer for them to do some networking because I don't know many dykes.
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