Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

To each his own

I was buying my lunch at work today and I overheard some guy ask for gravy on his salad. For real. I felt sorry for the guy who actually had to ladle the gravy on his California greens without cracking a smile.

I got in line to pay for my sandwich and gravy man stood in line behind me. I couldn't help but take a peek at his plate to see what salad greens looked like with gravy. They were a little wilty but otherwise they were holding up pretty good. Then I turned my back to him and waited until I got to the front of the line. For some reason I thought I might have to laugh out loud if I looked at him.

I was putting my change in my pocked when the cashier started to help gravy man. He asked her if she had any peanut butter. The only other thing he had on his plate was some perogies with fried onions. God only knows what he wanted with peanut butter.


Blogger Top_Dog said...

I love Swiss Chalet sauce. They should serve it by the pint. My aunt used to eat peanut butter on her hot dogs too and she said it was great. For some reason I never got around to trying it. For some reason, I don't think I ever will.

9:59 a.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

I like crispy fries. If someone offers to share fries with me I usually grab the crispy ones (is that rude?). I don't think I'd like the crud that floats on top of the deep fryer. Unless you put peanut butter on it.

10:03 a.m.


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