Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Stupid Americans

I'm not surprised by the U.S. election but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed by it. Just in case the election results weren't enough to convince you they're not too bright, I've decided to share some quotations I've heard on American news programs:

When asked to talk about her experience voting, some woman said "We came to vote and there was a 2 hour line up. I said 'Whoa. I'm not waiting 2 hours.' so we went shopping." The reporter asked how long they had to wait to vote after they came back from shopping and she answered "About 2 hours." Did this woman think they would not let anyone join the back of the lineup while she was away?

Some hick was asked why he voted for Bush and he answered "I just wanted someone who was family orientated and not too liberal." That's not a typo. He said orientated. I would have loved to tell him that he may feel smart using a word like orientated but that it made him sound stupid because the word is actually "oriented." And why the hell is Liberal a bad word in the U.S. anyway?

I heard a woman say "I just voted for the man who I thought the Lord wanted to be president." For fuck sakes lady. If the Lord cared who was president he'd cast a vote. Why do people invoke their god when they win? Like the fact they won proves the existence of their god?

And then some I heard some other loser say "I just wanted to vote for someone who could make a decision and go with it." OK then. Let's never mind that Bush makes the wrong decisions and lets just be glad that whatever decisions he makes, he sticks to! I guess if Bush made a wrong turn and started to drive the wrong way up a one way street, he'd just keep driving into oncoming traffic because it's better to stick with a decision than to change your mind.

As bad as I feel about another four years of the Bush dynasty, I think the Americans got exactly what they deserve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel bad. I know not everyone voted for Dubya. I don't hate Americans. My grandfather was American and I dated an American for 8 years. I just don't understand them. They truly seem out of step with the rest of the developed world.

11:45 p.m.

Blogger Top_Dog said...

The above comment was from me.

8:14 p.m.


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