I don't understand why some people don't vote. Iv'e heard that part of the reason Kerry lost was because he failed to motivate younger people with Democratic values to get off their asses and make a statement.
It's not his fault at all. I've heard countless Canadians say they don't feel like voting for one reason for another. I can't imagine that Americans' reasons for not voting are just as lame-ass. Like the "They all just lie" excuse. I'm not saying no politician has ever lied but I'm sure your doctor has lied too and you're still going to use his services when you're sick. In fact, everyone's lied but that doesn't disqualify us from the responsibilities of life and work. Somehow, life goes on despite our flaws.
And I hate it when people use defeatist reasoning like "My one vote won't change anything." Just what is that supposed to mean? That voting would only be a worthwhile activity if you were the only one doing it and your's was the only vote that counted?
The most pathetic excuse I've ever heard is "I don't want to vote because I feel disengaged from a political system that doesn't work for me." Or phrased another way "I'll get involved with the system when I see that it's working." How does that work? You disengaged from the political system because you feel disengaged from the political system? Did I get that right? And all along I thought you were disengaged BECAUSE you didn't vote. Just wondering.. let's say the system happened to work satisfactorily for you without your vote, what would be your motivation to start voting? The system works for you when you get involved because the system works for people who are involved.
Some people are reluctant to get involved in political discussions or activities (like voting) because it's not cool. It's something they associate with older people or uptight church-going reactionaries. Unfortunately, the old folks and the church-goers ARE involved and will STAY involved even if you don't. When you don't cast your vote, you give their vote more weight. What's so cool about that?
I'm not trying to convince anyone to vote. I'm just saying how lame some excuses are and how costly some mistakes are. I'm sure there's a few hundred thousand people in the U.S. who wish they had gone out and tried to make a difference.
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