Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Post Traumatic Shopping Disorder

I'm not feeling too jolly. I haven't shopped yet because I don't like the crowds and the moms in their SUVs that cut you off to get a parking space.

The apartment's not decorated. Maybe it'll feel festive in here after Saturday when we put up the tree.

I'm neither religious, atheist nor agnostic but I resent the crass commercial aspects of the season. I don't understand why it's only once a year we decide to feel good about our common humanity. I don't need sappy sentiment to motivate me to buy gifts. I don't need to spend more than I ought to in order to feel adequate.

I guess I'm jaded from working too may Christmas seasons in retail. I hated the feeling of having no time off for a month and having to deal with crowds, inventory, money and shoplifters while listening to techno versions of Christmas carols play over and over. I think it scarred me for life and I get flashbacks when I enter a mall that has Christmas decorations.


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