Today's Obituary

Someone at work died today. He didn't work in my department but I knew him to see him. He used a motorized wheel chair to get around.
I felt guilty sometimes because I could hear the motor of his scooter as he came into the bathroom when I was using the handicap stall. I'm sensitive to the needs of others and I don't normally go for the handicap stall first but whenever I did this guy would not be far behind. I always felt bad making him wait.
Everyone knew who he was because there aren't that many visibly handicaped people in my building and we saw him often. We all knew the hum of the electric motor as he passed through on his way to and from lunch.
The poor guy wasn't much older than me. A lot of people at work (in my opinion) drop dead unexpectedly. I think it's a sign I need to find a new line of work.
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