Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

True Faith

I'm not religious. I'm not necessarily atheist either but I respect the rights of anyone to believe or not believe in anything. However, no matter how open minded I try to be, I just can't understand anyone who claims to see an image of the Virgin Mary on a salt stain, side of a building, or a grilled cheese sandwich.

If you're going to claim to have a holy vision, at least make it convincing. The salt stain in Chicago does NOT look like anything at all. It is not a sign of anything except people's foolishness. I'm sorry, but I think it looks more like a vagina than any blessed saint.

Monday, April 11, 2005

In Kaanada

In Canada, we're just flattered to hear someone speak highly of us no matter how much it bends our ears. I think it's awfully nice that BJ Snowden finds us so inspiring. Too bad her ode to Canada isn't a little more listenable.

As nicely as she sings about Canada, she saved her best for her native America. I wonder if they're as impressed as we are.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Matching outfits

Gay or straight, they're never a good idea.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Circling the Drain

I wish the Pope would hurry up and die already. Nothing against him (besides his homophobia) but I'm tired of watching him deteriorate. I'm also tired of my "psychic" friend predicting his death every other month. I guess she had to be right one of these times.

I think it's funny how christians invoke god into everything they say. Instead of saying the pope's dying they say he's "in god's hands" and "heaven's gates are opening for him." Terri Schiavo didn't die yesterday. She "stepped into eternity."

I'm tired of people who finish their sentences with "god willing." It's a subtle method of "witnessing" that religious freaks use to make you acknowledge their message. I prefer zealots who directly ask you if you've "heard the good news" because you can simply tell them to fuck off. But there's little you can do when people punctuate everything with "god willing" except roll your eyes.

Some people take comfort in constantly reinforcing their faith. It reminds me of the way retarded children body-rock to soothe themselves.