Musings, platitudes, rants and reveries of an uninhibited horny urban bear.

Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm over it

Even thought I won't have a fridge until the end of the month (at the earliest). The luxury of being able to do my laundry AND play on the computer will keep me happy until then. I have internet and 4 out of 5 major appliances so all is forgiven.

I like living closer to downtown because everything is conveniently close. Saturday, we walked to the farmer's market and Denninger's and returned with enough groceries to see us through the long weekend. I could get used to doing my shopping without a car. D still wants to make his weekly Mecca to Zeller's but I think I can negotiate him down to 2 visits a month.

The bars are close too. We've probably been to the Werks (or Werx or whatever) half a dozen times since moving in here. It sounds like a lot but we normally only have a pint or two before going home. There's never that much going on there but I'm the kind of person who can't stand to stay home and watch TV when nothing's on. And honestly, besides Ellen and Trailer Park Boys, I can't think of anything I like watching.

There's a few hotties there and since D and I need some more gay friends, I'd like to meet some of them so we have someone else to talk to besides each other (yawn).

Last week, I had the unique experience of being at the bar while my grade 8 homeroom teacher, grade 10 computer science teacher and my 4th year marketing professor were there. With all that gayness educating me it's no surprise some of it rubbed off (note to the unelightened: that doesn't really happen or we'd all be gay by the time we graduated high school, espicially in the Catholic school system).

I've only slept with one of them. It was my 8th grade teacher. Not when I was in grade 8 but when I was in 4th year university. I didn't know it was him and I don't think he knew who I was (I'd grown a bit). But after several meetings he suspected he'd been my teacher and he let me know. I freaked out when I realized who it was.

I had a crush on him too. Long before I suspected I was gay I had a thing for him. He was young (23 or 24 I think) and he was a sharp dresser. He also kept the bullies in line. No one called me fag or taunted me in class while he was around. No wonder I liked him so much.

So I got over that too. It was a little weird but life doesn't always make sense. I have no plans to sleep with or even flirt with my other teachers. They're not my type at all.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Everybody sucks:

Even The Bay.

I ordered appliances a month before I moved and I was told they were all in stock and they would arrive the day after my move. Then they pushed the deliver day back until the following Monday. Then one more day until Tuesday.

I got a call the day before delivery and got the news I would only get my fridge on time. The next day, nothing came. Not even the fridge. I was told they had nothing in stock and that they had to wait for shipments from the manufacturer. I knew it was a lie and I asked to speak to a manager. I was told I'd get a call back.

Three days later, no call, no appliances and I was furious. I decided not to deal with the contact centre. All they could do was send me in circles. I went to the store and asked to speak to the manager there.

She's been great so far, my stuff has been found and (fingers crossed) most of it will arrive tomorrow. She gave me a serious discount too. Not enough to cover my cost of eating at restaurants for two weeks but enough to shut me up.

More things that suck:

U-Haul really sucks. I reserved a truck for nine AM the Friday of my move. I went there ten minutes early and they told me they wouldn't have a truck until one that afternoon. I didn't try to argue with them. They obviously didn't give a damn. They all tried to avoid eye contact and look busy while they broke the news to me. Morons.

I don't normally make scenes but I was pissed. I told them they were all fucking useless, cancelled my reservation and left.

I lucked out and got a truck at U-Haul's inappropriately named competition "Budget." The last minute rental cost $235 bucks but I had no choice.

Things that suck:

I'm in my new place. I've been here for two weeks actually but I couldn't post on my blog because Bell had a hard time connecting my phone. More to the point: despite the fact I gave them a months notice, they connected my line two weeks late.

They blamed the strike at Entourage. One of their phone reps told me "Entourage is on strike and they are trying to disrupt service. This is exactly what they want to happen." First I told the rep that they should consider paying their Entourage employees more. Then I told the guy that what I wanted to happen was to have my service connected in a reasonable amount of time and if they couldn't do it, I'd cancel my phone, internet and 2 cell phones. I mentioned that I spend three thousand a year on their services and I wasn't going to wait for them. Their manager called me back and he said they'd waive my connection fee and have it done within 24 hours.

And so they did but it still didn't work. They tried to blame my building (faulty wiring or something). I told them it's brand new and everyone else in the building had their service and I expected the same. They finally sent someone else out and today my phone and internet finally work.

So that's it. Bell sucks. And so do their lame-ass excuses.