Ya, so, I'm still here. Haven't written much recently for a couple of reasons. First, and most importantly, D was checking out some website and got lured into downloading some strange shit that totally fucked up the computer. He trusted the site because it was mentioned in a print publication. I wouldn't expect someone to promote a site that installed malicious software. But believe it or not, that's what happened.
The other reason is because I was on vacation for a week and I had a couple of long weekends and I had a very long to-do list. I've been busy. But now the ice maker works on the fridge, my dishwasher works, the cat's been spayed and declawed (poor girl), the curtains are up and....the computer is fixed (somewhat), etc, etc.
I've still got a lot of stuff I want to get done and I'll be a couple of weeks doing it all. It's suprising how productive I can be when I'm not looking at dick or writing about it.