What's my secret

to staying slim? Simple, it's called Ulcerative Colitis!
I weighed myself this morning and was shocked to see I'd dropped to 155 pounds. That's my thinest ever, it's 20 to 25 pounds off my average and 50 pounds off my heaviest. No wonder my pants have been falling off me.
At work Thursday I got a fever with chills (which can happen with UC) and the only way I could warm up was to sit in my car that had been parked in the sun. I had to sit there for 20 minutes to warm up. I could barely go back in to finish my shift and I was so glad I only had stay for another half hour before I got to go home.
I had a horrible night as I was up at least 10 to 12 times to go the the washroom. Once I had to go three times in fifteen minutes. By the time I got up in the morning I knew another day at work would be impossible so I called in sick.
It turned out to be my lucky day because I got a call from Purolator saying my birth certificate had arrived and I could pick it up at their depot. I used up the last of my steroid prescription so I could make the trip and waited a couple of hours for it to kick in. After I got my birth certificate, I went to the OHIP office and got my health card replaced. By then it was too late to see my doctor but I went to the Westdale walk-in-clinic and asked for more medication. The doctor had a great manner and gave me 5 times more than I probably needed without any questions asked. I was so relieved I could have cried.
Then my asshole boyfriend called and told me he couldn't cover my shift (for my part time security job) and not only that....I was already late for work. Every Friday I start at seven but yesterday they needed me at five. I asked what he would have done if I had worked at the bank today and couldn't get there before seven. He said he would have replaced me. I was furious. He can't replace me when I feel like I'm on my death bed but he can threaten to cut a shift if I can't be in two places at once.
I gave him shit. First, we agreed at the beginning of the season that I would always start at seven so if he needed me earlier then it was his tough luck. Second, he had a bit of attitide and I gave it back to him. He needed my car to work on another production last night so if he wanted to borrow it instead of walking home he had to hear me out. And he did.
So, anyhow, I'm at home today and probably not going out (except to get my prescription filled). I'm hoping that I can rest up this weekend and be effective at the bank Monday instead of spending half the day in the washroom.