Yay, it's the time of year I dream of. When I can go where I want when I want for a week and sleep in as late and often as I wish.
Unfortunately, it's not D's dream. He's just plain pissy about something and I don't want to be around him. He finished his job at the same time my vacation started so I have to contend with him at home bitching about the fact I haven't cleaned something, or complaining that something or other is "filthy." "Filthy" is his only word to describe things that don't smell like chlorine bleach. It's also his word that says whatever is "filthy" is that way because I didn't clean it recently enough.
All the man did on the weekend was complain that he didn't want to go out. He was more than unpleasant with me so I offered to spend the rest of my week without involving him. He seemed fine with it until this morning when he started to assign domestic duties and ask where we were going that day.
I think he's just a bitter man and I'm tired of feeling sorry for him. He wants to stay home but he also doesn't want me to go out on my own. Oh no, I can't go out alone. I might have fun and enjoy my day without him so he insists on tagging along and then wrecking the day with endless bitching.
A typical conversation with D involves me listening to him and agreeing with everything he says. He often follows his own train of thought and finishes a converstation by inventing laws that would prevent people from doing things he doesn't agree with. If I stop listening he gets sarcastic about me not contributing to the conversation.
If I say anything, besides uh-huh, he already knows it. Even if it's headline news, he knows already. Often, he has to tell me how long he's known for. It goes like this:
(Driving by a demolition site on Plains Road)
Top Dog: Aww, look they tore down that old brick building that had the clock tower in front.
D: Christ, they did that two weeks ago. Where have you been?
Top Dog: Sorry, I don't come here every day. That's too bad they couldn't find another use for it.
D: They should not be allowed to do that. The city should pass a law to stop developers from ruining all these nice old buildings.
Top Dog: (nauseated by yet another draconian proclamation from D) MmmHmm
D: They're destroying all these beautiful buildings when they should be restoring them.
Top Dog: (remaining silent so as not to fan the flames of yet another tirade)
D: (Mockingly) Oh really!, yes, mmhmm, that's right, I'm having a conversation by myself.
I guess he'll be having a lot of conversations by himself. I've decided no to bring him out for the rest of the week. Maybe I'll go out, and get my car fixed, then spend some time in Toronto getting laid.